Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A More Or Less New Idea.

The title is a little misleading. My idea isn't new, it's more like.... recycled. I've decided to quit posting random nothings about my life, and will now commence to post random nothings about some other people's lives. Actually, I'm more likely to just post random stuff that I've written and have decided is worth reading. Like poetry and free verse-ish stuff. Maybe a few short stories. And if anyone happens upon my blog and feels the need to give me feedback, that would be great! So... yeah. My posts should start coming soon.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Before Photography

So here it is, my second post. Lame, I know, but it will have to do. I use a computer in Photography class, so occasionally I'll get a chance to check or post on my blog. I'm not so sure about the photography thing, I'm not the best with a camera. But I'll have to deal with it, Photography was the only elective I could get in the block I needed it in. I actually have nothing more to say. Isn't that sad? But I needed a way to pass the time, and I checked my email before leaving home this morning..... and... oh wait, the teacher is calling the roll: time for Photography! :S

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This whole... blogging thing.

I have to be honest about it, I gave up on blogging years ago. I can try again and again to reliably publish posts, but it never works. I can't even keep a normal journal. But now, I think I'll try.
On second though, I know I'll try. I want to. I feel like puting a part of my heart out so that everyone in the world can see it. I'm sick of hiding myself behind a sheet of glass that marks where I end and where everything else begins. It's time for me to be a little stupid, a little off-beat, a little different, a little bit more like me. So make like those folks in the lion king: and be prepared! ^v^