Friday, July 2, 2010


I noticed that my dog has eyelahes!
It was one of those totally surreal, but totally life-shattering moments
the whole thing had Eureka! written all over it.
Dogs can have eyelashes!
that was my initial thought, it was shortly followed by:
Oh my goodness.
I have to tell EVERYBODY.
and then there was a moment's pause
-but what if everybody is already aware that dogs can indeed posses eyelashes?
What if it's only me who was sitting in the dark, completely unaware of this inevitable truth?
I mean it's not like dogs having eyelashes is completely inconcievable.
dogs are mammals, just like humans
and then another thought hit me....
Whales are mammals!
Do whales have eyelashes?
Oh my goodness.
I have to tell EVERYBODY.
and that, my completely complacent
and perhaps-
is why I posted this here.
happy summer. enjoy the sunshine.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! haha i love it when you discover something small but so so so extremely exciting like that and then you want to tell everybody.
    and you wake up the next morning and try and think about why you should be happy today and then you remember the thing you discovered and it makes you happy!


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