Saturday, July 24, 2010


I am a lion trapped in a gilded cage
Howling at the throngs of laughing people just outside the gilt bars
I am a fish caught in a net of silver moon beams
Glaring at my captor- an uncanny likeness of myself
I am a man stuck on a paradisaical island
I thought it was beautiful the first time I saw it
But now I don't, and there's no way out.

I'm trapped inside the cage I fashioned
A web of lies I told myself and others
I'm two minds within one skull
One mind is me
the other is the one I tell myself I am

It's time for a little connection
A bridge between my two selves
Even though they're not congruent, they can still be similar
Or so I'd like to believe
But really, can lies ever connect to the truth?
Can King Sodom keep the council of Melchisedech?
Can the part of me that is holy reconcile itself with the part of me that is fallen?

Is it time for a little Psychosynthesis?
For me to connect my broken and unbroken halves
Or is it merely time for it to occur to me
That these factors of my mind are not so separate as I choose to believe
That I am a liar and a fraud
That it was me who drove the nail through the palm of those willing hands
That in reality I'm nothing more than a whore dressed in tattered rags
That I'm broken and useless
That the real me is the one in the wrong
And that the lies I fabricated for others
Are only the result of how depraved I am, I was, I will always be
Psychosynthesis isn't as healthy as they claim.
But it's too late for me
I've already connected the pieces of this puzzle
And shattered my guilty innocence
Revealing the monster hidden behind my eyes
Showing myself that I'm no better than my falsehood.

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