Saturday, May 8, 2010


are like dirty bags of garbage
tied up and hidden
in the basement
just waiting for someone to stumble across them
catching you in the act

are like flowers
that look pretty
but smell horrible
you never know until morning, when they open their faces to the sky
and you smell the scent of festering flesh

are like nitrogen bombs
they make you feel powerful
just because you have them
but if they explode while they're still in your hands
you're going to get hurt

are like chains
you thought would make you free
but they don't
they fetter you to the ground waiting to expose you
for what you really are

i have too many
they make me feel powerful
even as they bind me to my seat
they're just waiting for someone to stumble accross them
and take a whif of their putrid scent
exposing me for what i really am.

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